Family Chiropractic

Dr. Joe Hong at Life Impact Chiropractic & Massage serving Marysville, WA, is a chiropractor you can trust with every member of your family. Dr. Hong has over 20 years of experience offering family chiropractic combined with modern treatments for your more complete health.

Family Chiropractic Explained

Family chiropractic is the use of different chiropractic techniques and associated treatments to help improve the overall health and well-being of patients ranging from the very young to the elderly.

Why Patients Visit Us!

Dr. Hong at Life Impact Chiropractic & Massage serving Marysville, WA, sees families in our community needing natural and holistic solutions when they are experiencing symptoms of:

  • Neck pain and headaches
  • Shoulder and back pain
  • Auto Injuries
  • Scoliosis

But that isn’t all, we also see patients who need chiropractic interventions geared at:

  • Wellness and maintenance care
  • Preventative care
  • Corrective care
  • Improved performance at work or on the sports field.

Our practice is well-rounded, and Dr. Hong is proficient in the following:

  • Chiropractic adjustments to treat subluxations and misalignments, that are causing pain, reducing your range of motion and your overall function.
  • Cold laser therapy to treat soft tissue injuries and encourage healing from within, with a faster rate of recovery.
  • Corrective rehabilitation for patients who have suffered from injuries and need additional support during recovery so that they can return to optimal health.
  • Holistic chiropractic, which focuses on the broader picture of your overall health and uses different types of care to increase your quality of life.

Benefits of Family Chiropractic

The benefits of family chiropractic can be enormous. Chronic pain sufferers will understand how their pain can affect their lives and those nearest to them. Pain relief can go a long way to improving their quality of life, and mental health, and foster a sense of well-being and positivity in those around them.

Parents who use chiropractic for their children know that the benefits are more than pain relief. In young children, it can improve the quality of their sleep and relieve constipation.

Sporty family members can bounce back from injuries more quickly and receive the benefit of physical conditioning to help keep them at peak performance levels. Chiropractic may also reduce the likelihood and severity of future injuries by incorporating strengthening and flexibility exercises.

Finally, adult patients can use chiropractic to treat aches and pains or incorporate it as part of their overall approach to wellness in a way that is functionally beneficial.

Contact Us!

For family chiropractic in Marysville, WA, choose Dr. Hong at Life Impact Chiropractic & Massage. Call us now at 360-658-8675 to book an appointment. 

Main Location


621 Beach Ave. Unit A,
Marysville, WA 98270




8 - 10 AM

3 - 6 PM


3 - 6 PM


8 - 10 AM


8 - 10 AM

2 - 5 PM





